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: Editorial: New voice for new India #IndiaNEWS #Editorials We are living in challenging times. On one hand, the core values of federalism are under threat with the BJP-led NDA government systematically


Posted in: #IndiaNEWS #Editorials

Editorial: New voice for new India #IndiaNEWS #Editorials
We are living in challenging times. On one hand, the core values of federalism are under threat with the BJP-led NDA government systematically trying to usurp the rights of the States and dilute the autonomy of the constitutional institutions while, on the other, the pursuit of politics of communal polarisation and hatred is weakening the fabric of our society and the secular foundation. There is a growing sense of despondency and frustration, particularly among the youth, over the wrong path that the country is being led into. There is now a historic necessity to build a new brand of alternative politics focused on ensuring high growth with a human face. Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Ral&ܘ^H[][ۘ[]X]H][و]H[Z]H
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