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: This Balasore headmaster dedicated 33 years of life for environmental protection #IndiaNEWS #State Simulia: He works as a teacher in a school. He is, however, an environmentalist by passion. He has


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This Balasore headmaster dedicated 33 years of life for environmental protection #IndiaNEWS #State
Simulia: He works as a teacher in a school. He is, however, an environmentalist by passion. He has devoted 33 years of his life to the cause of a healthier and more sustainable environment. He has planted around 35,000 plants throughout this time.
Meet this green crusader. He is Kanhu Charan Singh, a resident of Sanamaitapur-Mahantipokhari area of Maitapur panchayat under Simulia block in Balasore district.
Working as a headmaster at Government Unnita Ucha Prathamika Vidyalaya in Ishwarpur panchayat, Kanhu believes a protected environment is the key to healthy life on the earth. This belief keeps Kanhu going.
Already worked at four schools in Simulia and Khaira blocks, Kanhu has been planting trees for last 33 years. Most of the tress along the roads, by the sides of canal bund, inside schoolp�&H�[Z��[�XZ]��ݙ��Y[���][�[Z���H[�Y�H�[�K��H�^�H�����[�Yݙ� L ��Z]�X�[���Y���و�Y�[� �K [H�Y�[�Y���[��X�و�Y�Z�[��[�ܙH��X�˂���Y�[�[���Y�[�[�HY�����Y[���[�]X��]�H�Y�XX� �H^���]�HX����H��Y[��]�H[�Y�Y�[�Z�H�����X�[K�]��H[۝ H�[���� �
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